OOH Display

Bill Board Hoarding
Billboards are the most popular kind of Outdoor Advertising medium prominently used in India and the World. Billboards are also known as Hoardings in India and many other parts. Billboards are the huge boards with advertisements posted over a panel made of metal or wood. Though as of today this traditional nature of billboards has changed with time due to the introduction of Digital Hoardings and other creative experiments. But the thing that has remained unchanged is the strong hold of billboard advertisement in the outdoor advertising agency

Pole kiosk
Pole kiosk can be effectively used for advertising of local products and services. Economic feasibility and greater impacts make it the first choice of many advertisers. One of the advantages is that such pole kiosks are automatically lit up by the lighting on the pole above them though advertisers today are also using back-lit panels for the greater visibility. The turnaround time of pole kiosks is low, that is, they can be easily changed, renewed or updated in very short span of time.

Think4ad is offering a comprehensive and best quality range of Hoarding. We strictly adhere to quality policy and assure that services offered by us are in accordance to the specified industrial quality norms and standards. Combining our technical competence with solid business domain experience and knowledge we offer progressive hoarding advertising services to our clients. Availability of this Hoarding Advertising is in wide range of dimensions.

Colony Gantry
Gantry means a billboard fixed to an overhead structure, usually spanning a road. It is a double-sided structure, therefore offers the advertiser the option of advertising to either side of the traffic. Gantry as a medium of advertising is highly advantageous because it attracts the attention of your potential buyer that too within a span of few seconds. Gantries may also display useful directional information and hence they are difficult to miss! They deliver high impact and allow for an effective long term presence in the market due to their prominent positioning and large display size.

Glow Pole
Glow Pole advertisement or digital signage advertising is the latest trend in the Ooh advertisement sector. Glow Pole have found their best use in the advertising sector through technological innovations and increasing demand for better and better advertising mediums. Due to its excellent appeal this alluring medium of digital marketing is efficiently modifying the advertising domain across the globe.

Unipole Hoarding
The single pole is preferably used as it proves out to be a common feasible solution that makes a billboard clearly visible alongside all the highways and roads without taking much space. Thus a Uni-pole is actually a large-format of a billboard type which is strategically placed atop a very high pole. It is made more effective by this height only as it makes it visible from a very long distance. For the illumination of a Uni-pole advertisement any of the following two options can be used- Light box/back lit or front lit.

Wall Wrap
The result of this process is essentially an advertisment. Wrap advertising can be achieved by flex board a Wall outer surface, but an increasingly ubiquitous practice in the 21st century involves the use of large vinyl sheets as "decals". The vinyl sheets can later be removed with relative ease, drastically reducing the costs associated with changing advertisements. While vehicles with large, flat surfaces (such as walls and Houses carriages) are often used,
A long string of information can be conveyed through a pole kiosk by the use of a group of such advertising mediums in a linear order. Compared to other Ooh mediums, Pole kiosks are very much small in size and hence forth it is important that right size of fonts is used in a poll kiosk to efficiently advertise the message. Pole kiosks on the consecutive poles should have consistency for a greater effect of campaign.
Gantries may also display useful directional information and hence they are difficult to miss! They deliver high impact and allow for an effective long term presence in the market due to their prominent positioning and large display size.
Glow Pole is popular as irrespective of their size and location they can be adjusted to all types of pillars. For all type of offices and showrooms henceforth they are very suitable. As it can be invariantly used for all types of events so pillar branding is also gaining popularity. They are attractive, durable and a popular fit for outdoor advertising so manufacturers and installers of poll branding make it available usually in vinyl, PVC or fabric graphics designing formats.